Friday, October 31, 2008

The Prove and Weber in late october

The Provo 2 days before Halloween, we think the Browns are getting aggressive and ready to spawn because we snagged 3 as if they came and hit it out of anger. We also caught a few nice rainbows on black zebra midges dropped from worms and scuds. we also hit the Weber later that day and caught a load of white fish. randy pulled a really nice brown out of the weber on a black zebra, its the go to bug right now.

The Green

This is the place. The flaming Gorge Resort. They will tell you exactly what you need to catch fish at the particular time. Pay attention to there advice. We fished the river from the Dam down to little hole in our kick boats. It was mid October and the temps during the day were in the 50,s. We fished a neon nightmare with a #20 black zebra midge dropper we played with some other stuff but this set up produced the most fish. We included a pic of the neon nightmare, we used orange and the were about a size 6.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I caught this bad boy on the Hams Fork near Kemmerrer, Wyoming in june. We were up there on business and had a little time to sneak off to the river. We didn't even have our fly fishing gear, just our spinning rods, but I'd say they got the job done. This brown was estimated at over 25" and weighed between about 5 lbs. definitely my best Brown ever, the colors were amazing, plus it has the hook jaw going on.

Believe it or not, I caught this fish right before I caught the big one. In fact the big one was my very next cast after relaesing this beauty. It was a female, about 20", and weighed a good 3.5 lbs.

Trip to Madison River

Our latest trip was to the famed MADISON RIVER in Montana. We fished 3 dollar bridge, and the stretch between Quake and Hebgen. It was mid October, and might I say we "slayed 'em." We hoped for more streamer action, but it turned out the brown's weren't quite starting to spawn yet. We did have good luck on Red brassies, San Juan worms, and caddis larvae. Our next trip will be the Green this coming weekend, so check back soon for more Slayage. ( By the way we do practice catch and release, and don't really slay our trout!)

We caught these Browns in the famous hole where Jacklin caught his 10+ lb brown